Joy in Confession

Available now from Forward Movement


Hillary is a published writer whose work can be found in many different sectors and media—inducing print, academia, and the on web. Her first book, “Joy in Confession,” which had its roots in her doctoral thesis, helps people answer God’s call to healing and transformation. Reconciliation is one of the most beautiful and life-changing gifts that Jesus offers us—it is also one of the most misunderstood. Joy in Confession combines art therapy, scholarship, theology, and worship to create a powerful experience for learning about confession in the Episcopal Church. This accessible, user-friendly workbook, provides compelling evidence of transformation for individuals and communities who embrace reconciliation as a spiritual practice. The workbook includes a robust toolbox for clergy, congregations, individuals, including insight on what to expect during confession, how to incorporate confession into the life of a congregation, and how to hear a confession. In addition, the workbook offers resources to tailor the program for weekly study sessions, a retreat, or a one-day workshop. The program has been tried and tested by congregations around the U.S., and their suggestions have been incorporated to make Joy in Confession a helpful resource for any setting.

Joy in Confession: Freedom in Forgiveness- The Workshop

Available now from The Hive

Hillary brings her expertise in liturgical studies and pastoral care to this new offering. Her original research that led to her first book “Joy in Confession" has been used throughout the Episcopal Church to help people learn about reconciliation – both as a spiritual and ritual concept. Since the publication of this book and program, Hillary’s research has continued, and this class will take these concepts even further for greater healing and spiritual depth. This six-part workshop experience is for anybody who wants to feel freedom – – freedom from holding onto past wounds, feeling stuck in shame, and wants to help heal the divisions in our world. You are welcome even if you’re not sure you’re ready to forgive yourself or someone else. Each session will include a meditation on a concept within the work of reconciliation and a spiritual practice to help you implement the concepts in this class. You will also have a PDF booklet to serve as a journal and research guide.

Praise for The Workshop: "I benefited so much from the Joy of Confession course, that I am extremely excited to start the Cloud of Unknowing. With each course I take from The Hive, I find myself gaining insight and self-awareness that is invaluable to my spiritual life!"  -B. B.

View the trailer here:

Listen to an interview about "Joy in Confession" with Hillary on the Priest Pulse podcast:

Faith with a Twist - A 30 Day Yoga Journey

Available now from Forward MOVEMENT

Faith with a twist cover .jpg

“Faith with a Twist - A 30 Day Yoga Journey,” Hillary’s second book written with Amy Dolan was released in 2018. “Faith with a Twist - A 30 Day Yoga Journey“ seeks to bridge that gap blending the ancient Church’s wisdom and the spiritual practice of yoga. We live in a very interesting time for religion. Judging by all the current trends and data, more and more people are identifying with the label “spiritual but not religious“ and have turned to practices such as yoga to help bring them into closer relationship with God. All too often, attempts to blend yoga and Christianity have failed to do justice to both traditions—often sacrificing the wisdom of one tradition for the other—and thus both tend to be watered down. This resource, however, blends the traditional eight limbs of yoga with the church’s understanding and emphasis on living a holy life. This approach creates a unique blend of spiritual practices and religious wisdom that are perfect for the yoga novice to the experienced practitioner alike. 

Blending their shared love of yoga and our deeply rooted Christian faith, Hillary and Amy have created this yogic journey to be a guide for those who are seeking to grow in their love of God. This book has a different meditation, prayer and practice for each day in this month-long journey. In addition to the core material, there will be a series of postures (with helpful modifications that could be done while seated) as well as suggestions on how this series could be used to compliment different seasons in the church year. Yoga is a wonderful way to deepen faith and the authors hope that others will find this book full of practices, prayers, wisdom and insight that can help you to have a transformative spiritual life.

Faith with a Twist - the Masterclass

Available now from The Hive

In Hillary and Amy's popular book, these two best friends sought to blend the ancient Church’s wisdom and the spiritual practice of yoga. People loved their approach and requested more to take their practice further! So, the masterclass was born! Faith with a Twist - The Masterclass has incredible wisdom to help you grow in your relationship with The Holy Spirit--body, mind, and soul. 

 Following the pattern of the original book, this class will bring you: 

  • Prayers and practices for each day in this 40 day journey.

  • All new yoga videos for every week tackling important themes of healing connected with the body   

  • Suggestions on how this series could be used to compliment different liturgical seasons like Lent 

  • New philosophy video that cover the entire 8-limbs of yoga 

  • Sunday Sabbath opportunities 

  • Supplemental materials to take this offering even further

View the trailer here:

Life Transformed- The Way of Love in Lent

available Now as a Free Download from The Episcopal Church


Join Hillary as she introduces lessons from her curriculum, “Life Transformed: The Way of Love in Lent. This set of teachings ties the Easter Vigil readings to the seven practices of the Way of Love. It can be used with your congregation, as part of a small group, or for individual learning and meditation. This multifaceted teaching includes adult forums, quiet day retreat, video series, sermon series, and podcast series for The Episcopal Church which served as the 2019 Lenten Offering world-wide. It was also presented at St. Christopher’s Church, the Diocese of Bethlehem, and the Clergy Retreat for the Diocese of Upper South Carolina, 2019.

Additional resources (available in Spanish) and videos:

View the introductory class here:

Spiritual Beekeeping Masterclasses

Available Now from The Hive

The Hive Spiritual Beekeeping (1).png

Learn the spiritual art of beekeeping from a fourth generation daughter (Hillary) & father (Dana) beekeeping team. This eight part masterclass will walk you through the ins-and-outs of beekeeping through all seasons. Cultivate your soul as you work with your bees. Transform yourself and the world around you though this ancient ritual and folk-science.

Listen to an interview about “Spiritual Beekeeping” with Hillary on Coffee Hour at the Commons podcast:

Developing a Rule of Life

Available Now from Church Next

This four part online class with invite participants to develop a model for intentional living based on modern and ancient spiritual models. Drawing closer to Jesus takes both desire and commitment. That's where a Rule of Life can come in. For centuries, Christians have used this discipline to order their lives to more closely conform to that of Jesus Christ. In this course, Hillary shows us how in these video presentations entitled:

  • Original Wisdom

  • Honoring Your Mystic Sight

  • Creativity Studio

  • A Life Long Practice

This course is ideal for those looking to discover what a Rule of Life is and how it can help them draw closer to Christ.

Blood Memory Publications and Presentations 

Miigwech & Blood Memory:Gratitude as a Multi-Lineage Spiritual Practice- Award winning Essay & Peer Reviewed article in “The ANGLICAN Theological Review” Vol. 103.3 2021

This journal article was chosen by a blind peer review of multidisciplinary scholars (describing it a “seminal piece of scholarship”) to be a part of The Convocation and Scholars Conference on the Theology of Gratitude hosted by Bexley Seabury Seminary Federation and the United Thank Offering. The conference, hosted and keynoted by Diana Butler Bass, was held April 24, 2020. This paper studied the effect of gratitude as a deeply spiritual practice that changes, not only those who practice it, but also the generations that follow. Using the lens of generational, psychological, and theological studies, this article took the gratitude worldview and practices of the Ojibwa Native Americans as its entry point into the study of blood memory. It also offered suggestions for church communities looking to reclaim gratitude as a spiritual practice in modern times drawing from the Church’s institutional “blood memory.” 

Click here to view Hillary present her paper at the United Thank Offering Scholarship Conference!

Rituals In Indiginous and Celtic Traditions

Trinity Spiritual Center- Women’s Wellness Series 2023. Using the concept of Blood Memory, Hillary shares practices that enable women to align and optimize their physical and spiritual health according to life cycles and the seasons.

Talk given for the The Irish Diaspora Center. Join the Rev Dr. Hillary Raining and Historian, Conor Donnan in conversation as they discuss the crossovers in spirituality between Irish and Native American culture.

Developing a Rule of Life with the Daughter of the King of the Diocese of Bethlehem -Cathedral Church of the Nativity- Opening lecture for the fall assembly. This workshop will invite participants to bulid a Rule of Life using the concept of Blood Memory.


Saint Mark’s 2022 Theologian-in-Residence Series: Blood Memory and Spiritual Inheritance

In the last few years, scientists have discovered what indigenous communities have known for countless generations: that the emotional and physical lives of our ancestors will fundamentally affect our emotional and physical lives as well. Yet, this concept of generational spirituality is underexplored in our faith communities. In this two part series, The Rev. Dr. Hillary Raining, Saint Mark’s 2022 Theologian-in-Residence, will explore the role of our ancestors in shaping our lives as well as how we might help heal ourselves and others. Join us for a combination of scholarship and experience in community! Participants are invited to read Rev. Raining’s article on spiritual inheritance and gratitude here. Find other resources used in this talk here.

Part One of Blood Memory and Spiritual Inheritance Series: The Rev. Dr. Hillary Raining, Saint Mark’s 2022 Theologian-in-Residence, will explore the role of our ancestors in shaping our lives as well as how we might help heal ourselves and others.

Part Two of Blood Memory and Spiritual Inheritance


The Shift Network Teaching

Mystical Summit- Spiritual Practices for Modern Day Mystic, August 2022

We are living in a moment of great cultural and spiritual change. At times, it can feel like there are countless factors working against us to add stress to our lives. Yet, in our spiritual traditions, we have a great wellspring of practices that can ground us in the Holy Spirit if we turn to them. In this presentation, Rev. Dr. Hillary Raining will invite us to explore some of these old and new practices that can bring wisdom and joy to our souls.

Hive Christianity Class: Cultivate a Revolutionary Practice to Transform Religious Trauma into Spiritual Growth, Peace & Joy, March 2023

The Shift Network has a reach of over 3 million members worldwide! In this 7 part class, Hillary helped participants transform fear and spiritual trauma with wisdom from the great mystics, Indigenous spirituality, and trauma-informed research. You can watch the free into event and description of the modules here:


2022 St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral Theologian in Residence Series

During the 2022 Church year, Hillary joined with the St. Mark’s Cathedral Community to engage in workshops, sermons, and healing experiences based on her research in the field of liturgical & cultural studies.

Spiritual Practices as Balm for the Soul- We are living in a moment of great cultural and spiritual change. At times it can feel like there are countless factors working against us to add stress to our lives. Yet, in our spiritual traditions, we have a great wellspring of practices that can ground us in the Holy Spirit if we turn to them. In this presentation, The Rev. Dr. Hillary Raining, Saint Mark’s 2022 Theologian in Residence, will invite us to explore some of these practices—new and old—that can bring wisdom and joy to our souls.

Liturgy & Intersectionality: Appropriation or Appreciation?- How do we pray and worship in a way that fully reflects the fullness of the Kin-dom of God while also honoring the integrity of identity? How can our liturgies be shaped with appreciation of all people vs. appropriation without true integration? Reconciling liturgical traditions that were shaped from a primarily white viewpoint takes the ability to have open and honest conversations around creativity and change, and requires alliance on the Holy Spirit’s call to be one in Christ.

Mary Magdalene: A Tower of Lineage- Mary Magdalene has rightly been called “the Apostle to the Apostles” because of her important witness to the life, ministry, and resurrection of Jesus. However, few people today truly understand the sheer magnitude of her contribution to the Jesus movement itself. Recent scholarship counts her as one of the shapers of many of the rites and rituals of Christianity thanks to her deep firsthand knowledge of Jesus’ healing ministry. Indeed, she is often called “The Magdala” or “The Tower” by those who understand her to be the lineage-bearer of some of Jesus’s most important teachings on healing, anointing, exorcism, and giving witness.

The Wisdom of Proverbs: An At Home Retreat

Available now at The Hive & Trinity Wall St. Retreat Center

Journey through some of the best-loved and little-known passages in the biblical Book of Proverbs to hear what wisdom they have for our modern life. Each session has a meditation on a different part of the book of Proverbs and a prayer practice to accompany it. Many thanks to the Trinity Wall St. Retreat Center for producing this course!


Other Publications and Presentations

Oppression and Possession-Indigenous Wisdom and a Modern View of Episcopal Exorcism- “Anglican Theological Review” Vol 106

Academic journal article in the peer-reviewed "Anglican Theological Review" Vol. 106 (4), Fall 2024. Pulling from the author's own research (including interviews with several Episcopal Exorcists and traditional Ojibew healers) and experience as an Episcopal Priest and a member of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa, this paper explores trauma-informed and Native American models for spiritual healing and scripture as examples of how the church might use exorcism in its current cultural milieu.

Revisiting the Rite of Reconciliation: All May, Some Should, None Must...But What if we Did?- "Worship" Vol 92

Academic journal Article featured in the liturgical peer-reviewed "Worship" Vol. 92, July 2018. First featured as a paper presented to the Liturgical Theology seminar at the Annual meeting of the North American Academy of Liturgy, Washington, DC, 2017. 

Classes Offered at Berkeley Divinity School at Yale

Innovation on the Daring Way: A Pathway for Brave Ministry-
Workshops examined the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that hold leaders back in the innovation process, 2023.

Praying with the Mystics: Practices for Leaders in Challenging Times- Classes explored the mystical tradition to guide spiritual leaders through Christianity's transitions, offering insights from historic and modern mystics, practices for ministerial settings, and opportunities for prayer and reflection, Fall 2024.

Returning and Becoming: A Retreat with Pádraig Ó Tuama

Kanuga Retreat Center- featured presenter at this powerful retreat experience leading a workshop on creating and sustaining a spiritual practice. Also led daily meditations, yoga classes, and forest bathing opportunities, 2023

Planning for Rites and Rituals: A Resource for Episcopal Worship, Year B, 2020-2021& Year A 2023

Contributed to the theological and liturgical “Ideas of the Day” for Lent through Eastertide 2021 & “Engaging All Ages” for Advent 2023. Published by Church Publishing Incorporated, 2020 & 2023

Wisdom in Wonder: Evanglisum for mODERN mYSTICS  

Plenary Co-Speaker at the Episcopal Church's National Evangelism Matters Conference, Cleveland Heights, OH, 2018. 

BEYOND Numbers: Sharing Stories in the Missionary Church

Keynote speaker at the Invite, Welcome, Connect Summit, Navasota, TX, 2016 

Confession: Holy Peace

Article published in “Fidelia’s Magazine” the publication of the Young Clergy Women Project, 2018 [Available Here]

Of Veils and Virgins: My Life with the Bees

Article published in “Fidelia’s Magazine” the publication of the Young Clergy Women Project, 2016 [Available Here]


Other Selections & Projects

  • Lead Consultant & Researcher for Berkeley Divinity School at Yale Divinity School & The Annand Program- A major research project aimed at studying the spiritual lives of students who have participated in the Annand program. The project will evaluate the program's effectiveness through internal surveys and qualitative data gathered from interviews with current students and alums. In addition to students--past and present—this project will also be surveying key stakeholders in seminary formation, including Diocesan Bishops, Transition Canons, and Deans in charge of formation in other seminaries to understand better the spiritual leadership needs in the wider church and how the Annand Program can address them. 2024.

  • “Joy in Confession: An Interview with Hillary Raining”- An interview in the EcoTheoReview, 2020. [Available Here]

  • Blood Memory Research Trip completed as part of sabbatical studies. This two moth long research endeavor included studying with traditional healers at the Sault St. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Native Americans (Michigan) and studies of ancient Christian and indigenous spiritualty in Ireland and Scotland. Awarded a grant from the Diocese of Pennsylvania for this endeavor, 2019. 

  • Contributed an article in "Reclaiming Christianity: A Practical Model for Spiritual Growth and Spirituality" by The Rt. Rev. Claude E. Payne", Published by Forward Movement, 2018. [Available Here]

  • Contributed an article in "Invite Welcome Connect: Stories & Tools to Transform Your Church" by Mary Parmer, Published by Forward Movement, 2018. [Available Here]

  • Contributed meditations in "The Disciple's Way", Published by Forward Movement, 2024. [Available Here]

  • Contributed an article in "The Essence of Ministry" Edited by Sweeting, McPhee, & Liles, Published by Virginia Theological Seminary, 2024.

  • Author of several posts on the Grow Christians website including two on Reconciliation: [Available Here]

  • Featured writer for the Episcopal Church Commons Lenten and Advent Meditation Blog 2012 & 2013


Examples of Seminary Classes Taught at the Masters & Doctoral Level

  • DM 1: Spiritual Leadership

  • DM 4: Preaching with Fresh Expressions

  • DM 5: Living with the Mystics

  • CW 1: Christian Worship I: An Introduction to Liturgics and the Book of Common Prayer

  • CWH 3: Leading & Preaching the Pastoral Liturgies

  • PRAX 450/750: Retreat Planning

  • HM 121: Senior Preaching

  • STM Thesis Advisor

  • Site Supervisor & Mentor for several people in the ordination process

Classes are always being added and The Hive’s current catalog includes…..

  • Joy in Confession

  • Trauma Transformed

  • The Art of Retreat

  • Strengthening the Soul: An At-Home Hildegard Retreat

  • Fear, Mist, & Monsters: Biblical Wisdom for Facing Your Fears

  • The Open Palm: Exploring the Ancient Spiritual Tool of Fasting

  • The Wisdom of Proverbs- An At Home Retreat

  • Living with the Mystics: An Advent Journey into the Heart of God

  • Enter the Cloud: A 40 day guided meditation/prayer practice

  • Spiritual Beekeeping Master Class

  • Sit: How to Meditate

  • Sacred Cycle: Aligning with our Natural Rhythms

  • Dream: A Dream Interpretation Workshop

  • Faith with a Twist: The Master Class

  • Reflect, Refresh, Renew: A New Year’s Visioning Quiet Day Self Lead Retreat

  • Good Grief: A Journey of Holy Mourning

  • National Park’s Pilgrimage

  • Sitting Under the Tree of Life- Forest Therapy

  • Bible Studies including: Women of the Hebrew Testament, John, Isaiah: The Prophet of Advent, Praying the Psalms,and more!